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Silver Bird of Metal

Silver Bird of Metal

Silver Bird of Metal
By: Jose Oscar Roman – HFV Alumn
(I wrote this while awaiting my flight to return back home from Huts for Vets.)

Here I am being kidnapped back in to the wilderness.
I await here in my ocean blue seat facing the transparent wall.
A wall that shows my aero ferry that will transport me back to the silence of chaos.
Back to the calamity that we have filled ourselves with, the chaos we call life.
A labeling that was done out of sheer deceit of what a true life entails.

A life of slavery to things and possessions rather than to the Great Mystery.
The Mystery of self, of others, and of being human.
I regret to say that I am traveling away from the genesis of this discovery.
My heart and mind ache as I leave this spiritual realm.
I will return to my sanctuary of peace and solitude.

Here is another entry in my journal when I was on my flight back to Tampa after leaving CO. I was doing some self analyzing of how I was living my life and how I thought of myself. A little dark but an honest feeling of how I saw my life being carried out.


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