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News: HFV Blog

Category: HFV Blog

Huts for Vets Partners with Crewdogs to Empower Veterans

New year, new partnerships! Huts for Vets is excited to announce a meaningful new collaboration with Crewdogs, a veteran-led organization dedicated to strengthening the military community through shared experiences and mutual support. At its core, Crewdogs offers a platform similar to Airbnb but with a

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Jazz’s Story

What is “Huts for Vets?” He asks, already inwardly weary with acceptance at another trip, another week with me gone, another challenge. “It’s a sick hiking trip here in Colorado where they take a bunch of female veterans and hike to a cabin. It sounds

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Uncover the Legacy of the 10th Mountain Division

Mountain Warriors: The Legacy of the 10th Mountain Division and the Power of Wilderness Therapy Huts for Vets is thrilled to partner with the Ninety-Pound Rucksack podcast for an inspiring evening of storytelling and impact! Learn how the legacy of the 10th Mountain Division helped shape outdoor

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Exciting News to Share!

We have some exciting news to share with you! Huts for Vets is rebranding, and we’re revealing a fresh new look that better represents our mission and vision. Since our founding in 2013, this is the first time we’ve updated our logo, and we’re excited

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The Secrets of the Trees

The trees hold secrets. Their roots beneath my feet, beneath the earth. That is where the truth is held. It’s the quiet whispers you can only hear when you stop to stand among the trees, among God’s greatest creation. How little I was beneath the

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Finding Light in the Darkness

As beautiful as this last little bit of the hike has been, with the sun peaking its head out between the trees here and there, I see darkness between the tree lines. It made me reflect that it’s okay to head into the darkness. It

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The holiday season is coming up, a time of joyous occasions yet a heavy addition of stress on our minds and body. Stress could precipitate from having to spend more money than we want to, or we may have to spend more time with people

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Vitamin D

It’s that time of year to start thinking even more about Vitamin D. The days are getting shorter, “cold season” is coming.  But why? Why do I need it? What is Vitamin D, and how do I get it? Here’s a breakdown of this crucial

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